A long time ago, the “cities of the plain” ruled the known world. These cities were founded by four tribes locked in an endless struggle for power. This is their story...
In Zoar, players take the role of a tribe leader who guides their tribe across the desert, building great cities and armies in a struggle to get the tribe's sacred relic back to their capital. The player who returns the sacred relic first or who destroys a certain number of cities wins the game.
Zoar is a language independent game.
In Zoar, players take the role of a tribe leader who guides their tribe across the desert, building great cities and armies in a struggle to get the tribe's sacred relic back to their capital. The player who returns the sacred relic first or who destroys a certain number of cities wins the game.
Zoar is a language independent game.
- Board Game System: Miscellaneous
- Game Type: Core Game
- Language:
- Min. Number of Players: 2
- Complexity: 2/5
- Game Duration: 45 min
- Max Number of Player: 4
- Game Mechanic: Area Majority/InfluenceArea MovementBluffingGrid MovementVariable Player Powers
- Age: 13+
- Game Type: City building Game
Vesuvius Media Ltd 38 Pioneer Avenue Nova Scotia, Halifax, B3M 1W8 Canada | Imported by: ADC Blackfire Entertainment GmbH |
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