In Zoar, players take the role of a tribe leader who guides their tribe across the desert, building great cities and armies in a struggle to get the tribe's sacred relic back to their capital. The player who returns the sacred relic first or who destroys a certain number of cities wins the game.
Zoar is a language independent game.
- Brettspiel System: Sonstige
- Spielklasse: Grundspiel
- Spieleranzahl von: 2
- Komplexität: 2/5
- Spieldauer: 45 min
- Spieleranzahl bis: 4
- Spielmechanik: Area Majority/InfluenceArea MovementBluffenGrid MovementVariable Spielerfähigkeiten
- Alter: 13+
- Spielart: Städtebauspiel
Vesuvius Media Ltd 38 Pioneer Avenue Nova Scotia, Halifax, B3M 1W8 Canada | Imported by: ADC Blackfire Entertainment GmbH |
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