HDF bases are the most cost-effective way to efficiently set up your extensive collection of models or to re-base them when sudden rule changes occur. These bases are precision-cut using advanced laser technology, ensuring that each one retains the exact size required for your models. This meticulous accuracy is essential for maintaining uniformity and stability across your entire collection.
To use these bases, some assembly is required. The parts are designed to be glued together, providing a secure and stable foundation for your models. This simple yet effective assembly process ensures that your models are firmly supported and ready for display or gameplay.
This set consists of:
- 5x Sniper Team Trays made from HDF
- Includes all suitable 25x50 mm bases
The parts have to be glued together before use.
- Game System:
- Base Type: Troop BaseBlank
- Base Size: 20 - 28mm
- Material: MDF / HDF
- Base Form: Pill