Beware, for the malevolent presence of Skeletor looms large on the battlefield! With a sinister laugh echoing across the arena, the Lord of Destruction unleashes his diabolical plan.
From the dark depths of the dimension of Infinita, Skeletor summons forth the terror-awakening evil ghost known as Scareglow, a ghastly apparition that strikes fear into the hearts of even the bravest warriors. Accompanying Scareglow is Beast Man, Skeletor's loyal henchman and a savage force to be reckoned with.
But Skeletor's machinations do not end there. With his mastery over dark magic, he provides his allies with teleports, allowing them to move swiftly and strategically across the battlefield, outmaneuvering their foes with ease.
Enemies, take heed and tremble in the face of Skeletor's wicked schemes! With his fearsome allies by his side, the Lord of Destruction is poised to unleash chaos and terror upon all who dare to oppose him. Mwahaha!