Warbiker Mob
A warbiker, also known as a bikerboy, are these orcs addicted to high speed. These addicts form mobs and charge into battle at suicidal speeds, their exhaustion emitting puffs of greasy smoke. As they charge toward the enemy ranks, the Warbikerz fill the air with a deadly storm of blasts from their blazing Dakkaguns. Surrounded by clouds of smoke and dust, the Warbikerz are protected from the enemy's worst return fire - when the Bikerboyz thunder out of this swirling cloud, they are almost overhead.
Wide-eyed and panting behind goggles and dust masks, most Warbikerz's need for speed is so great that they can hardly bear to stand still for five minutes in the sun. The smarter Warbosses use this to their advantage, sending out their Warbikerz to prematurely set off traps and ambushes, overwhelm enemy supply convoys, or weaken enemy defenses before the rest of the tribe can give them a proper kick.
Warbikerz are speed-addicted orcs known as Speed ??Freeks who are primarily members of the Kult of Speed, an orc cult whose members rarely if ever leave the saddle. These grinning loons roar into battle on massive single-seat attack bikes called Warbikes, with two-bar mounted Dakkagunz - exceptionally heavy armament for such a small vehicle - often causing their Warbikes to spin wildly and out of control when the guns are fired . The orcs find this adds to the appeal of the bike and makes it more exciting to ride. Nothing quite compares to the raw excitement of charging towards the enemy on a Warbike, full guns. This is why so many Speed ??Freeks and Evil Sunz Orks are Warbikers. Warbikerz are so ruthless that they'll even let go of the handlebars as they dash into the enemy to better deal with sluggas, choppas, and improvised weapons.
Warbikerz usually have a certain outfit, especially after a really good fight. Her lips are pulled back in an ecstatic grin, and her bloodshot and unfocused eyes are shockingly wide open. They often seem to tremble for an hour or two after leaving the saddle, for suspension is unknown on Ork vehicles. Even in times of relative peace, Warbikerz tend to occasionally yell or cackle as they relive their glorious assault on the enemy's ranks.
Warbikerz act as outriders and shock troops for the main Horde. The exhaust fumes and oily smoke thrown up by their vehicle help conceal their advance and give them some protection from enemy artillery. Some warbiker tribes have even been known to use controlled skids to transmit messages to their fellows by kicking up clouds of dust. Taking this a step further, the Flaming Skulls tribe are said to be able to synchronize the skids of their motorcycles so precisely that when enemy planes fly overhead, they are greeted by oily plumes of smoke and dust that "pulled off" spell.
Plastic box: A Waaaghbike is much more than just a vehicle for its owner. A Waaaghbika treats his vehicle with great care, for it is both an object of prestige and its direct link to the exhilarating pleasure of high speed.
The box contains 3 multi-part plastic Ork Warbikes and contains the options for an Ork Nob on Warbike, a variety of Equipment options and additional details. Models are supplied with 75mm oval Bases.
Games Workshop Group PLC Willow Road Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS United Kingdom www.warhammer.com | Imported by: Kutami Fritz-Thiele-Strasse 22 28279 Bremen Deutschland |
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