Tuskboss on Maw-Grunta
The colossal swine has arrived!
Command your Ironjawz at the vanguard, riding atop the surliest, most hot-headed steed the Mortal Realms has yet witnessed. To draw a comparison, it could even challenge Dorghar in temperament. The Tuskboss isn't just muscle and might; he's a formidable combatant and adept leader for Ironjawz brigades. Moreover, he ushers in the option to bolster your ranks with more Maw-gruntas in the Battleline.
Imagine, an entire battalion of massive, fur-clad chargers! This kit provides the means to assemble the Tuskboss variation, or if preferred, a Maw-grunta armed with the Hakkin’ Crew or the Maw-grunta Gouger. Numerous customization options are at your disposal, ensuring your unit stands distinct on the battlefield.
- Faction: Orruk Warclans
- Sorting: Hero
- Game System: Age of Sigmar