In the fast-paced world of tabletop gaming, adaptability is key. That's why HDF bases are the perfect choice for quickly and affordably setting your numerous models on their feet, or for smoothly transitioning to new base sizes when unexpected rules updates arise.
Crafted with precision through laser cutting technology, HDF bases guarantee that your miniatures will always have the correct size and fit seamlessly into your gaming experience. Whether you're re-basing entire armies or simply looking to enhance the presentation of your models, HDF bases offer a reliable and cost-effective solution.
Say goodbye to the hassle of resizing or adjusting bases manually – with HDF bases, you can focus on the thrill of gameplay without worrying about the details. And with their durable construction, you can trust that your miniatures will stand securely on their bases, ready to conquer the tabletop battlefield.
This set consists of forty 30 mm square, 3 mm thick HDF bases.