In the annals of cinematic history, few films have successfully melded the words 'war' and 'comedy' as brilliantly as MGM's 1970 classic, 'Kelly's Heroes.' However, the journey from its original concept to its final release was nothing short of a transformational odyssey. The film, initially titled 'The Warriors,' underwent a significant metamorphosis, including the excision of entire scenes and characters, and the introduction of extended action sequences.
During this process, several members of the cast and crew expressed their reservations about the changes. The movie's evolution turned what was originally conceived as a gritty war drama with rich character depth and an integral romantic sub-plot into an action-packed, farcical comedy. Despite the dissenting voices, The Cult following that 'Kelly's Heroes' enjoys nearly 50 years later, along with its treasure trove of endlessly quotable lines, is a testament to the final cut's spot-on success.
To bring a touch of Hollywood magic to your battlefields, we've drawn inspiration from the film's final cut, Burt Hirschfeld's accompanying 1970 novel of the same name (heavily based on the original script), and the historical context behind the units depicted in the movie.
Enter Oddball's Shermans, officially part of the US 6th Armored Division, but with a twist – their Commanding Officer met an unfortunate end at the hands of a German 88mm gun. Remarkably, the three tank crews opted to keep this fact under wraps, allowing them to bask in the pleasures of the French countryside, posing as a battle-worn unit fresh out of action. Their ruse adds a delightful layer of intrigue to the narrative, where wartime seriousness and comedic ingenuity collide.
There's a superb bonus within every box of Oddball Sherman! A full colour, 8 page, booklet provides every hero and vehicle with their own personalised themed special rules to add that 'Hollywood'flair and daring to your movie inspired games of Bolt Action.
Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.
Warlord Games Unit 1 Central Ct, Finch Cl, Lenton Nottingham NG7 2NN United Kingdom | Imported by: Kutami Fritz-Thiele-Strasse 22 28279 Bremen Deutschland |
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