The young dachshund would die five days later. Despite his seemingly good looks, his internal wounds had become infected and the Umbra training process did not provide for any medical attention. In fact, only three comrades in Dakel's tithe would survive, and only two of those Urkherits would manage to graduate. This is an extraordinary number as the survival of the Umbra School has always been an extraordinary achievement.
Excerpted from A Cynical Gaze upon the Universe, by Cal3fex Observer, Cultural Gnomon of the Second Transversal Matriarchy.
For hundreds of years, the hills descending from Udhit Mountain were one of the most beautiful and peaceful places on this unknown planet. Generations of Urkherites enjoyed the splendor of a privileged, tranquil environment. It was a prosperous farming community that always respected their gods and worshiped them according to established practices and received clear blessings in return. Until one day their gods landed on the mountaintop and demanded a tithe from their best young men in order to accompany them to the stars and serve them there. These young men would learn new things and discover wonderful places. That happened every season. The ship arrived and the Urkherites offered them a tithe. Brave young men who would never see their homeland again because all who left to serve in the stars never returned. Scared to death, all of these young men accepted the call, knowing that their people depended on them to sustain the happiness and lifestyle of their community. These lucky heroes were the envy of many people who stayed on the mountain slopes and lived peaceful lives.
- Infinity: Combined Army