In the wake of Hera's fateful release of the Titans, the once-glorious realm of the gods has been plunged into chaos and devastation. Divine beings have met their demise, immortality has been stripped away from the surviving deities, and Greece lies in smoldering ruins. Now, a new chapter unfolds as we revisit the legendary 12 Labors of Heracles in an exhilarating and endlessly replayable 2-player campaign.
Join the valiant Heracles and the indomitable Achilles as they lock horns in epic battles that resonate with the echoes of history. These clashes bring to life some of the most renowned heroes and monstrous foes ever associated with the goddess Hera throughout the ages. Embark on a journey of mythic proportions, where heroes are forged in the crucible of adversity and legends are reborn in the shadow of Hera's vengeful wrath. Will you rise to the challenge and etch your name alongside the great heroes of Greek mythology, or will you succumb to the trials that await? The fate of Greece hangs in the balance once more, and the adventure of a lifetime beckons!
- 13 Miniatures
- 1 double-sided board
- 10 dashboards
- 12 scenarios campaign
- 44 Activation cards
- 13 Recruitment cards
- 37 Upgrade cards
- Board Game System: Mythic Battles
- Game Mechanic: Player EliminationRessource/Hand ManagementDraftingArea MovementVariable Player Powers
- Language:
- Min. Number of Players: 2
- Game Type: Expansion
- Complexity: 3/5
- Max Number of Player: 4
- Game Duration: 90 min
- Age: 14+
- Game Type: MiniaturesCard GameCampaign GameSkirmishTeam