Marshcrawla Sloggoth
“The repulsive Creatures known as Marshcrawla Sloggoth are an offshoot of the Troggoth race, which prey on the small and weak. Ironically, they are used as beasts of war by the small, weak grots that lurk in the corners of Kruleboyz society.
Under the moons of troubled skies, the Marshcrawla Sloggoth make their way through the peat bogs and swamps of the Mortal Realms on all fours, pursuing their prey and smelling the air for traces of spilled blood. They prefer to prey on the wounded and infirm, and will happily devour the infants of other species rather than take on any creature that might injure them, clutches of eggs, hibernating mammals, blindworms, and even corpses buried in shallow graves, everything fodder for these Creatures. They have even been known to eat rusty metal when nothing else is available, but when hunting more "mobile prey" they do so with a slow and inhuman patience.
They stalk their prey on their hands and knees in the near pitch darkness, moving slowly, deliberately and sometimes almost imperceptibly towards their prey. Their long, oddly flexible arms are perfect for reaching into enclosures and hiding places to snatch those inside, much to the dismay of those who take refuge in "old Buildings or basements" to escape. If their prey is held at bay, they will burst into sudden action, darting their jaws forward to bite their prey's heads. The Kruleboys find this amusing, provided their heads aren't bitten, of course.
Sneaking up on a marshcrawla undetected is considered a fairly impressive feat, but if a beast breaka mob succeeds, usually by poisoning the beast with prey "spiky" Creatures, they'll be quick to shackle the Sloggoth and hang a heavy one Stone around his neck so he can't rear up and escape. With yoke and collar attached, the Sloggoth will carry a howdah on his back in which the grot accomplices of the Beast Breaka mob will ride to war.
No orruk worthy of his squigs would be seen dead on such a cowardly beast, but to the grots it is a mark of "great status." To the rhythmic thump of their drums, often subconsciously pounding in rhythm with Kragnos's pounding hooves, these cackling little gits go into battle. They live for the moment when they can make their own captives, hurl weighted nets, and eject cannibal polearms to disarm or entangle those who would otherwise escape their troggoth's grasping claws.
Given that marshcrawlas can sniff fresh blood from miles away, it's often these creatures that lead the Kruleboy to their next conquests. Just as a wounded ghurish swimmer risks sending rodent sharks into a feeding frenzy, the men and women who give blood, sweat and tears to survive on the frontier risk luring the most vile warbeasts at night - and a Kruleboyz war party.
This 43-part plastic kit makes one Sludge Crawla Sloggoth. It comes with a variety of options, including two heads for the Sloggoth and a selection of nets and snap sticks for two crew members - ideal if you want to field multiple specimens of these vile beasts.
The kit also includes a Citadel 105mm x 70mm Oval base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly.
- Faction: Orruk Warclans
- Sorting: Monster
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