Italian Support Squadrons Information
"While our discoveries of Sturginium and its applications have heralded a time of scientific wonders unrecognizable to previous generations, there has also been a recent revival of older designs but with far more potent results. The Rostratum Naval Ballista is a perfect example of this. The simple idea of firing a bolt to hit and penetrate a target has existed since antiquity. The Italian engineers of the Latin Alliance have advanced this in a way that would only be possible with previously unknown understandings of engineering. They have designed bolts from current alloys that weigh only a fraction of a comparable steel structure while retaining their material hardness. Instead of twisted ropes, they employ electromagnetic rails to fire the bolts at incredible speeds. Reports of a projectile hitting the hull of an enemy ship and then being retrieved to bring the target into a less desirable position are equally disturbing and intriguing. I propose that we further explore such ideas. Imagine the untapped potential we already have in our history. Picture a trebuchet a thousand times stronger than its recorded force, Da Vinci's designs becoming reality, or Greek fire produced on an industrial scale."
- Robert Abernethy, member of the Enlightened, at a symposium shortly before his disappearance.
- 2x Scorpio Artillery Cruisers (can also be built as Jupiter or Vulcan class)
- 2x Sagitta Strike Submarines
- 4x Pugio Destroyers
- 2x SRS Tokens
Please note that the miniatures in this set are unpainted, and some assembly will be required. Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.
- Game System: Dystopian Wars
Warcradle Studios 17-19 Eldon Way Hockley, Essex, SS5 4AD United Kingdom | Imported by: Kutami Fritz-Thiele-Strasse 22 28279 Bremen Deutschland |
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