In the desolate and dangerous world of a post-apocalyptic future, the Hyena represents both survival and savagery. Known for its fierce instincts and relentless nature, this creature roams the wastelands, preying on the weak and scavenging whatever it can find. The Hyena adds an element of unpredictability and danger to any scenario, whether as a wild adversary or a loyal companion to the most ruthless survivors.
This model is meticulously sculpted to capture the distinctive features of the Hyena, from its powerful stance to the detailed texture of its fur and menacing expression. The dynamic pose suggests readiness to pounce or defend, making it a versatile addition to any tabletop scene.
Supplied unassembled and unpainted, the Hyena model offers you the opportunity to customize its appearance to match the unique environment of your post-apocalyptic world. Paint it in natural tones to reflect its wild origins, or give it a more mutated, otherworldly look to fit into a dystopian nightmare.
Set contains:
- 1 resin model
- Scale: 28-30mm (1:55-1:60)
- Material: High-quality resin
Perfect for use in tabletop games, dioramas, or as a standalone display piece, the Hyena is more than just a model—it's a symbol of the fierce and unforgiving nature of a world where only the strongest survive.
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