Hobgrot Slittaz
Hobgrot Slittaz are mobs of Hobgrots that often accompany the Kruleboyz to war. Armed with weapons crafted by corrupt duardin, they march to war to vent their wickedness in battle. Hobgrot Slittaz units are led by a Hobgrot boss. Hobgrots play an important role in Kruleboyz society, acting as intermediaries between the orruks and the corrupt duardin of Hashut in exchanging prisoners for duardin materials and forging secrets during which the hobgrots siphon off a portion of the loot for themselves.
Hobgrot Slittaz mobs join the Kruleboyz in their campaigns to secure their investments or as an opportunity to exercise their wickedness. Hobgrots Slittaz are capable of demonstrating impressive military discipline and can even march in step, although they are also prone to back-offending, getting sneaky and tripping one another up when attention is diverted from orruks. However, when the enemy is within "killing range" they would quickly regroup and unleash a barrage of duardin explosives as they charge to finish off the survivors with razor sharp blades.
Hobgrot Slittaz are armed with a variety of explosives such as: B. sulphurous scrap grenades swindled from the arsenals of their duardin paymasters. These weapons are considered the lowest of the lowest by Duardin Hellsmith standards, but the Hobgrots appreciate the destructive potential of these gas grenades, thermal bombs, and other explosives. Half of the grenades release toxic gases, which are then ignited by the other half, creating glowing explosions. The combustible swamp mists used by the Kruleboyz could also increase the lethality of the explosions, which would cause many Hobgrots to fall victim as well, but this is only considered a hazard of the job.
In close-ranged combat, they swap explosives for two razor-sharp Slitta Knives, which their dexterity allows them to dual-wield very effectively. Some are noisemakers who wield musical instruments, while standard bearers wield junk totems.
This kit also includes the options to build two units of 10 Hobgrots each - each with a Hobgrot boss, a choice of two different clutter totem bearers and a choice of two different noisemakers - or a single unit of 20 Hobgrots. This kit contains 20 Citadel 25mm Round Bases. These miniatures come unpainted and require assembly.
- Faction: Orruk Warclans
- Sorting: Infantry
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