Amidst the veil of night, where the moon casts its ghostly glow upon the earth, lies a place both mysterious and melancholic – the graveyard. Here, among the solemn shadows and weathered tombstones, an aura of quiet contemplation pervades the air. It is a sanctuary for memories, a resting place for the departed, and a canvas for tales both haunting and beautiful.
Forged from the finest quality resin, the models within this kit possess an otherworldly allure. Unpainted and untouched, they beckon artists to weave their stories upon them, transforming these blank canvases into haunting landscapes that evoke emotions and transport viewers to a realm of wonder.
The "Graveyard Basing Kit" is a versatile treasure trove of 14 intricately crafted parts, designed to fit seamlessly into any base, terrain, or diorama, you can shape, divide, and blend these pieces to match your creative vision, giving life to ancient tombs, forgotten crypts, and eerie grave markers.
Conceptualized by the brilliant mind of Jacek Świnoga and brought to life through his skillful craftsmanship.
Unleash your creativity, embrace the mysterious allure of the unknown, and let the graveyard basing kit be your portal to endless possibilities in the world of miniatures and models.
Set contains 14 parts. Good as an addition to any base.
Models made from high-quality resin and supplied unpainted. You can divide them into smaller pieces to decorate your bases or leave them as a whole to cover bigger surfaces.
- Material: Resin
- Basing Materials: Basing Set
- Setting: Fantasy
- : Skulls / BonesGravestones