The Shams Rahima sliced through the coastal waters, its powerful engines propelling it at full throttle, seemingly untroubled by the treacherous sandbars that plagued this particular stretch of coastline. The Sobek-class vessel was a formidable sight, flanked on either side by a pair of Kopesh Fast skimmers, sleek and agile, poised to change formation at a moment's notice.
On paper, this was just another routine patrol, but the seasoned crews aboard these vessels knew better. The events of the past few months had been anything but routine. Piracy had been on the rise, albeit cleverly disguised as privateering by some. The Great Powers were all vying for control, attempting to expand their borders through violent means. Even countries that once shared the same flag were now seizing the tempestuous times to expand at the expense of their neighbors. The peace that had once come with routine patrols now felt more like a prelude to war.
- 2x Mandjet Heavy Skimmer (may also be built as Sabah, Sobek or Mesektet Class)
- 2x Hashashin Destroyer Skimmer (may also be built as Kopesh Class)
- 2x Scarab SRS Token
Please Note:
- Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
- Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars Website.
- Game System: Dystopian Wars
- Material: ResinPlastic
Warcradle Studios 17-19 Eldon Way Hockley, Essex, SS5 4AD United Kingdom | Imported by: Kutami Fritz-Thiele-Strasse 22 28279 Bremen Deutschland |
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