In the heart of the tranquil woods, a curious sight awaits. A camping site, seemingly abandoned, stands amidst the trees. The campfire crackles and casts dancing shadows, and the tents are pitched as if in anticipation of their occupants' return. Yet, a mysterious absence lingers, leaving the camp eerily vacant.
The rustling leaves above and the ancient, wise trees that surround the camp seem to be the only witnesses to the unfolding enigma. These trees possess a peculiar enchantment – they have ears that listen and eyes that observe, their silent wisdom extending far beyond the comprehension of mortal beings.
As you stand amidst the quietude of the forest, you can't help but wonder about the fate of the campers. What transpired here? Why did they leave their site behind? The answers may lie hidden in the whispers of the woods, waiting to be uncovered by those who dare to seek the truth. But remember, in this mystical forest, where nature and magic intertwine, the trees themselves may hold the secrets that have eluded the curious and the cautious alike.
- Universal use - Compatible with every RPG system.
- Easy assembly - Cut out and Glue the Parts with ease!
- Durable plastic - Magically shielded from all weather phenomena.
- Rich in details - Experience the proper ambiance of a forest.
Box contains:
- 3 x pine tree
- 3 x oak tree
- 3 x big grass hill
- 3 x medium grass hill
- 6 x small grass hill
- 2 x tent
- 1 x log
- 6 x stump
- 1 x fence
- 1 x barrier
- 1 x backpack
- 1 x fireplace
- 1 x drying clothes
- 2 x bed
- 1 x paper game mat
Requires manual assembly and painting.
- Terrain Type: Nature / HillsSmall Terrain
- RPG System: 5E Compatible
- Material: Plastic
- RPG Accessories: Terrain
- Setting: FantasyNature
- Miniatures Scale: 28mm32mm
- : MiscellaneousVegetation