Defence of the North englisch

35,20 €
inkl. 7% USt. , zzgl. Versand
5 Stk Auf Lager
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage (DE - Ausland abweichend)

With this expansion for the Middle-Earth Strategy Tabletop Game™, you can fight campaigns in three different war zones - the Battle for Dale, the Defense of Mirkwood and the Assault on Lothlórien. These can be played individually or combined into one large Defense of the North campaign. The extensive background section gives you an in-depth look at the history of the northern kingdoms, including events that happened during the War of the Ring when much of the attention was elsewhere. In this book you will also find many scenarios, new ways to build your armies, and meet new heroes and villains. This expansion also includes a gallery of miniatures and an appendix with additional content covering the historical battles of the northern lands.

This 112-page hardcover expansion includes:

  • History of the North: An overview of the background to the northern lands of Middle-earth, including Sauron's attack on the area during the War of the Ring.
  • Scenarios: 18 narrative scenarios including
    • Background
    • battlefield Setup
    • victory conditions
    • rules
    • and more
  • Campaign - Defense of the North: Rules to connect the 18 scenarios into one extensive campaign or three individual campaigns that can be played independently
  • Armies: Background details and rules for eight armies that fought in
    • Rhovanion, namely the Garrison of Dale
    • Reclaimed Erebor
    • Lothlórien
    • Thranduil's Halls
    • the Beorning
    • the Easterlings
    • Mordor
    • the Darkened Mirkwood.
    • Each section contains the units and army bonuses available to that army, and tactical insights into your force's strengths and weaknesses. Also included are rules for notable units that fought in these wars.
  • Legendary Legions: Rules for six legions representing
    • the Army of Dale
    • the Defenders of Erebor
    • the Beornings
    • the Dragon Emperor's army
    • the evil beings of Mirkwood
    • the Assault on Lothlórien.
  • Each legion imposes restrictions on army composition, but offers additional rules that the legion can use to its advantage.
  • Appendix: Provides additional background and four scenarios to recreate historical battles in Rhovanion, including the Destruction of Dale, the Battle of Dale, the Battle of the Five Armies and High Pass.
  • Gallery: Be inspired by this magnificent display of significant miniatures from the Citadel and Forge World ranges

You need a copy of the Middle-earth Strategy Tabletop game ruleset to use this Expansion.

  • Sprache: Englisch

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