The current major focus in Warhammer Age of Sigmar revolves around the Twin-Tailed Crusade, a relentless force marching through the realms of Aqshy and Ghyran. Following a disastrous clash with grots, troggoths, and the formidable Sons of Behemat, both prongs of the Crusade persevere, their spirits undaunted, as detailed in "Dawnbringers: Book III – The Long Hunt."
Now, formidable new allies rally to the Dawnbringers' cause. In a convergence of destiny, the Aqshian tail of the Crusade encounters the Goretide, while the Ghyranite tail confronts ravenous Ogor Gorgers. This supplement carries forward the sweeping narrative and introduces rules for four new Armies of Renown, along with the second part of the Cities of Sigmar Path to Glory campaign, complete with diverging paths, blessings, and challenges.