Contorted Epitome of Slaanesh
A Contorted Epitome is a demonic construct in the form of a large mirror used by the Daemons of Slaanesh to unleash and deny psychic powers on the battlefield. Rivalry is common among the demons of Slaanesh, but those few who can endure each other's presence are often employed as stewards of an elaborate mirror of absorption.
These semi-sentient relics are stolen from the Pleasure Palace of Slaanesh in the Realm of Chaos and used in battle to absorb the psychic energies of the Dark Prince's enemies before repelling them to terrifying effect. Each mirror contains an immense reserve of psychic energy and is also used by the Dark Prince's demons to manifest the Chaos God's power to aid his minions in battle.
A Contorted Epitome can also deny Slaanesh's demonic and deadly foes the ability to use their own psychic powers. This kit is supplied as 25 plastic components and is supplied with 1 x 75mm Oval base.
Games Workshop Group PLC Willow Road Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS United Kingdom | Imported by: Kutami Fritz-Thiele-Strasse 22 28279 Bremen Deutschland |
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