In the intricate web of City States society, no relationship with the enigmatic Bred is as ambivalent as the one shared with the Selinoi and Satyroi. These extraordinary beings, a fusion of man and goat, represent the pinnacle of Bred adaptability and resilience. Among the survivors of the Bred, the Selinoi and Satyroi emerged as the hardiest and most adaptable, endowing them with a unique blend of intelligence, speed, and indomitable toughness. Yet, it was their rapid mastery of their respective tasks that set them on a collision course with the human populace, marking them for persecution when the purges began during the tumultuous Fall.
In the wake of those dark times, the survivors among the Selinoi and Satyroi were left with two Stark choices: to find a way to coexist with humanity or retreat from it altogether. While the Selinoi chose the path of peaceful coexistence, the Satyroi, driven by anger, hate, and violence, turned down a more turbulent road. These goat-like individuals transformed into kidnappers, extortionists, and consummate thugs, establishing themselves as dangerous gangers. The most menacing of the Satyroi were often forcibly enlisted into the City States' army, where their combat skills and unbridled ferocity rendered them skirmishers without peer.
So, how do these extraordinary beings play their roles on the complex stage of warfare? In the realm of close-quarters combat, the Satyroi are unparalleled. They are deadly guerrilla troops, honed by years of combat experience, lying in ambush to seize the perfect moment to strike at the flanks and rear of any enemy regiment audacious enough to attempt outflanking the main City States' phalanx lines. With their ferocity and intimate knowledge of guerrilla warfare, they make for a formidable and unpredictable force on the Battlefield.
Box Contents:
- Dual Kit. Contains 12 Plastic Miniatures (Satyroi/Selinoi, with the option of making their respective command models)
- 3 Infantry Plastic Stands
- 12 Bases
- 2 Command Cards
- Game System:
- Language:
- Material: Plastic
- : City States
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