Batman: The Animated Series
The iconic characters from Batman: The Animated Series are back and ready to take on the streets of Gotham once more! This set brings the beloved heroes and villains from the animated classic to your tabletop, capturing the essence of the series that defined a generation. Whether you're leading the charge with the Dark Knight himself, plotting mischief with Harley Quinn, or outmaneuvering foes as Batgirl, these characters will add a touch of nostalgia and excitement to your games.
This set also includes the stealthy Catwoman, the sharp-eyed Green Arrow, and the powerful Black Canary, each meticulously designed to reflect their classic animated appearances. These miniatures are perfect for giving your crews a unique twist, allowing you to mix the timeless style of the animated series with your strategic gameplay. Whether you're a longtime fan of the show or new to the world of Gotham, these Figures will bring a fresh and dynamic element to your battles.
- 6 highly detailed thermoplastic miniatures, ready to assemble and paint
- 6 plastic Bases (30 mm)
Add these timeless characters to your collection and experience the classic charm of Batman: The Animated Series in your games!
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- : Unknown/All
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