A whole box of Zouaves, the exotically clothed and wildly hirsute show offs of the North and South! They are dressed in their best baggy trousers and fezzes worn in imitation of the French Colonial troops who had established a reputation for dash and glory in closing with the bayonet,and can be used for regiments from both sides.
- 42 spirited men (in "charge" pose or "right shoulder shift")
- unit Bases
- flags
- colour leaflet
28mm scale. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.
- Material: Kunststoff
- Warlord Games: Black Powder
Perry Miniatures
www.perry-miniatures.com | Imported by: Kutami Fritz-Thiele-Strasse 22 28279 Bremen Deutschland |
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Kleine Teile. Spitze Enden. Nicht für Kinder unter 3 Jahren geeignet. |